About Our Students
The participants at the Murray Greenhouse range from wheelchair-bound individuals, requiring assistance in most tasks, all the way to very high functioning individuals who require very little assistance. Each participant is expected to follow simple directions and participate as a group with activities, projects and cleaning assignments. Cleaning helps them to feel they have ownership in and have pride in the program and we find they actually love to have responsibility. They also are expected to show respect to the other participants and counselors at the Greenhouse.
Each new student is required to sign a Behavioral contract with the MGF and is expected to comply with the simple rules agreed to on the contract.

Enrollment Process is Simple
All prospective participants need to contact Sheila Wall Contact Us and set up an appointment to come to our Foundation for a quick tour and get the chance for both parties to meet and see if our program meets the needs and criteria for all involved.
What Candidates Would Not Be Eligible for Our Program?
The Greenhouse does not have sufficient staff to offer one-on-one care or the ability to deal with severe behavior problems or medical problems (i.e. seizures. chronic illnesses).
We do not dispense any medication to students at the MGF.
Our participants also need to be able to go to the restroom on their own and take care of their personal needs.
Who is Accepted into the Murray Greenhouse Program?
Participants are accepted based on availability and compatibility with existing students/staff as well the ability to help achieve the Murray Greenhouse Mission Statement. Our license limits us to a maximum of 19 students per day and three staff.
The Murray Greenhouse reserves the right to deny a new participant that does not meet the necessary criteria.