Our Hours
The Greenhouse Program operating hours are from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday (except major holidays). The MGF is not responsible for students dropped off earlier than 10:50 a.m. whether dropped off by bus or someone else.
Our Rates
The daily rate is $35.00 per day, which includes a light lunch. We do offer a discounted price of $33 if payment is made monthly on the first day of each month.
How Often Can You Attend?
Due to limited availability, participants are required to commit to specific days of attendance to enable us to have adequate staffing and supplies. We presently have a two day a week minimum attendance policy but students can attend up to all five days if space is available.
Our staffing is based on how many participants have committed to certain days. Therefore, if your participant does not attend on a day they are committed to, he/she will still be charged for that day.
The only exception to this is in the case of a "family" vacation once a year. If Ex. Director (Sheila Wall) is notified and approved before the month of said vacation, then only the amount of days participant attends in one week can be deducted from monthly payment. Days missed in addition to that will still have to be paid for. We do not carry balances from one month to the next (no exceptions).
We Offer Last Minute Attendance!
If you find you need to have your student attend a day they are not normally scheduled, contact us that morning (or before) and if there is a space available we offer a last minute drop off rate of $30.00 per day.
What Happens If a Student is Picked Up Late from the Greenhouse?
A fee is charged for any student who is picked up late. It is determined by how late it is:
- 5:10 p.m. $10.00 fee
- 5:11p.m. - 5:30 p.m. $20.00 fee
- 5:31p.m. - 5:50 p.m. $30.00 fee